Planning approvals
The Central-West Orana REZ transmission project has now secured Commonwealth planning approval. This achievement moves the project into the delivery phase and is a significant step forward in Australia’s renewable energy future.
View the documents submitted for planning review and approval below or visit the NSW Planning Portal.
Environmental assessment and planning approvals
All projects in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) will go through an extensive planning and environmental approval process.
The REZ transmission network infrastructure has been declared a Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) project by the Minister for Planning as it is considered 'essential for the State for economic, environmental or social reasons'.
Under the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979, all CSSI applications are required to go through a comprehensive assessment process with extensive community involvement.
EnergyCo exhibited the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the REZ network infrastructure in September 2023. All submissions received are publicly available in the Submissions Report below.
Developers will be responsible for lodging their own development applications and preparing an EIS for each wind and solar development. The timetable for environmental assessments of proposed wind and solar farms will be determined by the developers.

- Technical paper 1 – Aviation
- Technical paper 2 - Agriculture
- Technical paper 3 - Visual landscape
- Technical paper 4 - Biodiversity
- Technical Paper 5 – Aboriginal Heritage
- Technical Paper 6 - Non-Aboriginal heritage
- Technical paper 7 - Social
- Technical paper 8 - Economic
- Technical paper 9 - Noise and vibration
- Technical paper 10 - Bushfire
- Technical paper 11 - Preliminary hazard analysis
- Technical paper 12 - EMF
- Technical paper 13 - Traffic and transport
- Technical paper 14 - Hydrology and water quality
- Technical paper 15 - Flooding
- Technical paper 16 - Contamination
- Technical paper 17 - Groundwater
- Technical paper 18 - Air quality
Amendment Technical papers
- Appx A_Updated project description
- Appx B_Updated project description mapping
- Appx C_Project amendments mapping
- Appx D_Updated statutory compliance requirements
- Appx E_Updated mitigation measures
- Appx F_Landscape Character and VIA Addendum_Pt A
- Appx F_Landscape Character and VIA Addendum_Pt B
- Appx G_Updated Biodiversity Development Assessment Report
- Appx H_ACHA
- Appx I_Noise & Vibration Impact Assessment Addend
- Appx J_Traffic &Transport Impact Assessment Addend
- Appx K_Flooding Assessment Addendum
- Appx L_Updated Cumulative Impact Assessment
- Appx M_Ground Penetrating Radar Report