A NSW Government website

Hunter Transmission Project

EnergyCo is committed to genuine community engagement

That means working closely with all stakeholders to minimise the impacts of the HTP on people and the environment and to maximise the benefits of the project for the Hunter community.

We're talking to affected individuals and groups. We value their opinions and try to address their concerns.

We're engaging with the local Aboriginal community to make sure the HTP doesn’t affect any sensitive cultural areas.

We're consulting with environment groups to minimise impacts on endangered ecological communities and threatened species, and to deliver strategic offsets that improve biodiversity values in the Hunter.

We're also seeking input from recreation groups, making every effort to align or realign the transmission line to minimise any disruption to recreation activities in the State forests.

With the community’s help, we want to get the details right as we continue to refine the project ahead of its environmental impact assessment.

Hunter Transmission Project pop-up

Ways to get involved

Community drop-in sessions

Join us at one of our upcoming drop-in sessions where you can chat with the project team about the latest HTP updates, the environmental impact statement being prepared and early findings from some of the impact assessments. Come along to stay informed and have your say.

Cooranbong Community Hall 
Monday 24 March, 3 pm to 6 pm 
614 Freemans Drive, Cooranbong, NSW 2265 

Performance Arts Culture Cessnock 
Tuesday 25 March, 3 pm to 6 pm 
198/202 Vincent St, Cessnock NSW 2325 

Club Singleton 
Wednesday 26 March, 3 pm to 6 pm 
33 William St, Singleton NSW 2330 

Online briefings

Join us online to learn more about key topics of interest as we plan the HTP.  

Webinar: Bushfire assessment

Tuesday 18 March, 6 pm to 7 pm

Learn more about the bushfire risk assessment process and our early findings.

Register here


Consultation is an important part of our environmental assessment process. Surveys are one way we seek feedback on specific activities or decisions that can be shaped by community feedback.

Survey: Share your thoughts on the Wishing Well

The Wishing Well is a historical site located on Martinsville Hill Road within the Jilliby State Conservation Area. We’re seeking community input on how best to commemorate the site. Share your thoughts on what the Wishing Well means to you and how its heritage can be remembered by completing our survey.

Complete the survey

Working with potentially affected landholders

We have a dedicated local team available to work with potentially affected landowners. We’re available to meet, provide information and support, and answer questions. 

We are talking with landowners to understand how land is used and identify other possible property impacts or concerns. This will inform potential improvements to the design of the project. This could include avoiding dwellings and high value land, minimising fragmentation of blocks, limiting construction access and other amenity issues.

Read more about support for landowners

Read more about land and easement acquisition and compensation

Hunter first to maximise benefits for our community

In addition to providing clean and reliable electricity, the HTP will support economic growth in the Hunter to leave a positive legacy.

We’ll harness and build on the region’s diverse economic skill base and provide opportunities for the Hunter community to share in the benefits of the project. That means:

  • working with councils and the community to fund local projects
  • providing strategic benefit payments to private landowners hosting transmission infrastructure on top of any compensation for easements
  • increasing income and employment opportunities for local Aboriginal communities in line with the First Nations Guidelines
  • employing as many locals as possible
  • prioritising the purchase of goods and services from Hunter businesses
  • creating education and training opportunities for the local community
  • delivering strategic offsets to improve biodiversity values in the region
  • enhancing recreational facilities in the state forests.

These initiatives will take a Hunter first approach with suggestions from the community.

Next steps

We’re still in the planning stages of the project. We’ll continue to consult with the community throughout the development of the environmental impact statement (EIS).  

To stay informed, you can sign up to our monthly newsletter here. We'll keep you updated on opportunities to have your say and learn more about the potential impacts and benefits of the project. We use online and in-person engagement methods so you can participate at a time that is convenient for you.

The HTP’s next major milestone will be when we lodge its detailed environmental impact statement (EIS) in mid-2025. The EIS will then be placed on public exhibition by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for a minimum of 4 weeks. This is when you can make a formal submission to provide your feedback. 

Hunter Transmission Project regional reference group

A regional reference group for the HTP held its first meeting on 5 February 2024.

Read more about the regional reference group.

Learn more

Community members were invited to have their say on the HTP preliminary corridor until 18 Dec

Back to the Hunter Transmission Project overview

A list of questions and answers about the HTP

More resources about the Hunter Transmission Project

About the HTP regional reference group

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Hunter Transmission Project or would like to provide feedback, please contact us.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 1800 645 972 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)

You can also register for email updates here