A NSW Government website

Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone

Central-West Orana Transmission Project

The Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) will be serviced by new network infrastructure, including transmission lines and energy hubs, and enabling infrastructure which will transfer power generated by solar and wind farms to electricity consumers.

Find out more about the transmission project


The NSW Government is in the development phase for the State’s first REZ in the Central-West Orana region. The Central-West Orana REZ is approximately 20,000 square kilometres centred by Dubbo and Dunedoo, on the land of the Wiradjuri, Wailwan and Kamilaroi people.



Key facts

  • The REZ will initially unlock at least 4.5 gigawatts of new network capacity by the late-2020s.
  • New transmission infrastructure will enable generators (such as solar and wind farms) participating in the REZ to export electricity to the rest of the network.
  • It is expected to bring billions of dollars in private investment to the Central-West Orana region by 2030.
  • At its peak, this REZ is expected to support around 5,000 construction jobs in the region.

Why the region was chosen

The indicative location of the Central-West Orana REZ was chosen following a detailed statewide geospatial mapping exercise undertaken by the NSW Government in 2018. This initial analysis sought to identify optimal locations to host renewable energy generation around the State, including areas with strong renewable energy resource potential, proximity to the existing electricity network, and consideration of potential interactions with existing land uses, including agricultural lands and biodiversity conservation.

Since then, EnergyCo has worked through a process to refine the geographical area of the REZ. Read more about the methodology for refining the geographical area here.

The Central-West Orana was the first REZ to be declared in Australia and has enormous potential for the development of solar and wind projects that can contribute energy to the National Electricity Market (NEM), support jobs and drive investment across the regional economy.

Unlocking opportunities

Discover the benefits of the Central-West Orana REZ from Mayor Mathew Dickerson of Dubbo Regional Council.