Local work for local tradies in the first Renewable Energy Zone
In good news for the Central-West Orana REZ, the first construction-related work in the renewable energy transmission network is beginning to roll out.
Tradies and contractors around Mudgee, Dubbo and Wellington in the central west are gathering at Industry Forums this week to hear about work opportunities on construction of the new transmission network.
Industry Forums will continue next week in Coolah, Cassilis and Dunedoo for those keen to hear about how and when to tap into these work opportunities. These range from enabling works to fencing, from civil and structural engineering, to construction of worker accommodation, from plant and equipment supply to laundry services.
Representatives from EnergyCo and the consortium ACEREZ are working together to deliver the transmission infrastructure for the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (CWO REZ). Together with the Industry Capability Network (ICN) they’re speaking at the Industry Forums and providing individual advise on how to go about applying for these opportunities and work packages.
Alison van der Linden from EnergyCo says, “we’re looking to collaborate with the local work force as much as possible in delivering the Renewable Energy Zones. We’re tapping into the existing skills and labour, but also looking to help upskill those who are keen to stretch themselves and build their capacity.
"This is how the benefits of the project start to flow into the community that’s hosting Renewable Energy Zones. Right now, and into the future.”

This is how the benefits of the project start to flow into the community that’s hosting Renewable Energy Zones. Right now, and into the future. -- Alison van der Linden, EnergyCo
“We’re thinking differently about how to deliver this project,” said Alex Tyree from ACEREZ at the Mudgee event on Tuesday night.
“This is a huge logistical challenge. We’re building everything from modular housing to power lines to roads to switching stations. Any local company, no matter how big or small, even sole traders - are welcome to join us.”
Work opportunities are being posted on Gateway by ICN, where interested businesses and suppliers can register for alerts and submit expressions of interest (EOIs) and applications for work of interest to them.
With such a mammoth construction task to deliver, the group is working with local industry to enable as many local people and businesses as possible, to work on the project. This could mean dividing up sections of the work that might ordinarily be given to single businesses for supply and installation to suit local capability.

We’re trying to keep this work local. As much as possible we’ll use local materials over imports. Local labour over FIFO. -- David Norris, ICN
“We’re trying to keep this work local. As much as possible we’ll use local materials over imports. Local labour over FIFO. And where there are some skills gaps, we’ll provide some training and match-make businesses to create consortiums or joint ventures,” said David Norris from ICN.
There’s a huge range of opportunities for local workers to get involved. Those interested are welcome to join the remaining Industry Forums being held in Coolah, Cassilis (5/8) and Dunedoo (6/8) next week. More will follow soon.
Information is also available on the EnergyCo website here.
Who’s Who
EnergyCo – NSW Government team leading the grid-scale transition to renewable energy through the five Renewable Energy Zones, in regional NSW.
ACEREZ – network operator who will build and manage the transmission network. A group comprising ACCIONA, COBRA and Endeavour Energy.
Gateway by ICN - web platform connecting local businesses with major infrastructure and construction projects.